A weekly look back at past celeb nudity happenings of note, ranging from the earliest days of famous females to today’s hottest starlets.
Get the in-depth facts and figures on events that have happened throughout skintertainment history during the week of November 22nd through November 29th.
The week’s lesson in lusty cultural high points includes Britney Spears' nude crotch shot, Marisa Tomei taking home Mr. Skin’s highest honor for her nude scenes in Before the Devil Knows You're Dead, The Hitchiker bringing reliable nudity to HBO, Spanish sexploitation maestro Jess Franco hitting the 100th movie mark with Euro beauties Lina Romay and Sabrina Siani, and a tribute to H.O.T.S. hottie Angela Aames.
******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* It’s important to point out, then, exactly who accompanied Britney on this romp. Paris is seated next to her in the famous photo. Joining the fun later: Lindsay, of course! ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* Jess Franco and Lina Romay have proven to be, time and again, a match made in sicko sexploitation heaven.November 23, 1983
The Hitchhiker premieres on HBO.
He strode, alone, along countless unknown highways, ragged, rugged, thumb extended, forever talking some kind of heavy, philosophical-seeming, unintentionally hilarious nonsense.
He was the title character of HBO’s thriller anthology The Hitchhiker, portrayed by Page Fletcher, and no matter where the road took him, from episode to episode, his direction always led to naked actresses.
Circa 1983, TV nudity in any form remained a novelty. In fact, nudity is likely what ignited the explosion of cable subscriptions throughout the ’80s. The Hitchhiker, along with HBO’s largely forgotten football sitcom 1st and Ten, charged at the forefront of this boobs-on-your-tube movement.
Each time a viewer tuned in, he knew he just had to endure the titular drifter’s charmingly ludicrous pseudo-Rod-Serling babble and then he could enjoy an installment of a show that was essentially a less sci-fi The Twilight Zone with lots more tits.
And what tits The Hitchhiker delivered! Over the course of its eight-year run, naked Hitchhiker guest hotties included Virginia Madsen, Margot Kidder, Kelly Lynch, Shannon Tweed, Sybil Danning, Alexandra Paul, Meg Foster, and many, many more.
Come 1990, HBO applied the two-breasts-minimum-per-episode formula to the light-hearted romantic farce Dream On, which proved to be one of the network’s first bona fide blockbuster series.
At the same time, rival Showtime turned to the high-gloss, heavy-duty erotica of filmmaker Zalman King (Two Moon Junction, Wild Orchid) to develop its own sex series, Red Shoe Diaries.
By then, The Hitchhiker had faded into the dusty, heat-streaked horizon as its hero did at the close of each installment.
Let us each raise a thumb now in respectful tribute. And maybe even some other appendages.
November 25, 2006
Britney Spears flashes her naked labia. The paparazzi are there.
Never before had a superstar of Britney Spears's ultra-A-list caliber ever made such a bold, bald move before the flashing bulbs of the paparazzi.
The moment at gland: While emerging from a car sans undergarments, the planet’s reigning pop queen parted her thighs and provided a no-holes-barred photo opportunity for the extremely intimate area from whence Sean and Jayden Federline emerged.
As noted, this level of open revelation was a first, but, in short order, Britney’s down-front exposure would be joined by the two other most famous vaginas in the world: those belonging to Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan.
After nearly crashing all global communications systems due to looky-loos in pursuit of her Louisiana hairless, Britney stated on her website:
“It’s been so long since I’ve been out on the town with friends. Every move I make at this point has been magnified more than I expected, and I probably did take my new found freedom a bit too far. Anyway, thank God for Victoria Secrets’ new underwear line!”
Gossip blogs erupted, cultural critics bellowed condemnations, and Britney’s peers simultaneously burned their bloomers, buzzed their beavers, and hiked up their hemlines.
Soon enough, even Brit herself repeated the cunning stunt and her fans, Mr. Skin included, lapped it all up (pun, as always, intended).
*******************************************************************************November 26, 2007
Mr. Skin Awards Best Nude Scene of 2007 to Marisa Tomei.
Do call it a comeback!
At age 43, Marisa Tomei turned around a career of semi-skinginess (with an odd nip reveal here and there) to get naked in Before the Devil Knows You’re Dead (2007)and then repeat that stunt throughout director Sidney Lumet’s acclaimed crime thriller.
A shock came from not only seeing Marisa Tomei nude, but gazing in wonder at the astonishing awesomeness of her supple, athletic body.
For this, Marisa scored Best Nude Scene of 2007 honors on this date.
Following Marisa on this esteemed list were Keeley Hazell in Cashback, Natalie Portman in Hotel Chevalier, Christina Ricci in Black Snake Moan, and Sienna Miller in Factory Girl.
Mr. Skin will announce his picks for the Best Nude Scenes of 2009 on Monday, November 30th. Make a naked note of it and be sure to be here on the site when it happens. November 27, 1988
Angela Aames dies.
Even if she had only ever portrayed nude skydiver Boom Boom Bangs in the skintastic sorority-house romp H.O.T.S. (1979), Angela Aames would rightly take her place in the pantheon of naked greats from the drive-in era.
But, alas, in H.O.T.S., the buxom South Dakota native had only begun to bare all, busting out her all-natural double-Ds throughout a supremely distinguished B-movie career that was tragically cut short when Angela succumbed to a heart defect at the too-young age of 32.
Fortunately, Angela’s rip-roaring film work will live forever.
Don’t miss her as Little Bo Peep in the cult musical Fairy Tales (1979), bedding Peter Falk in the female-wrestling epic All the Marbles (1981), standing nude next to burlesque legend Raven De La Croix in The Lost Empire (1983), and adding hefty double-boobles to a bubble bath in the Army farce Basic Training (1985).
Even when she kept (somewhat) covered, Angela never failed to make two deep impressions. In Bachelor Party (1984), she’s unforgettable as a mega-mammaried mom in a low-cut top who poses for family photographers Tom Hanks and Adrian Zmed.
Angela’s death in 1988 more or less coincided with the end of the great grindhouse age. It would have been wonderful to see where she would have goneand what she would have taken offnext.
Good night, beautifully bosomy lady.
November 28, 1980
Jess Franco releases his 100th film, Cannibals.
Spain’s premiere maven of movie mayhem, Jesus “Jess” Franco stands as not only one of the most prolific filmmakers in exploitation history, he’s also one of the most reliably over-the-top and off-the-wall-entertaining.
In fact, no one is quite sure just exactly how many motion pictures Franco has actually helmed, but it is clearly more than 200, dating from The Awful Dr. Orloff (1962) up until A Bad Day at the Cemetery (2008). And they just keep coming!
Franco has directed under literally scores of pseudonyms and delivered an impressive amount of bona fide genre classics along the way that include Vampyros Lesbos (1970), Eugenie De Sade (1970), Eugenie the Story of her Journey Into Perversion (1970), Nightmares Come at Night (1970), She Killed in Ecstasy (1970), A Virgin Among the Living Dead (1971), and Ilsa: The Wicked Warden (1980).Although it’s impossible to peg any one title as Franco’s 100th, solid guesstimates award it to Cannibals, a.k.a. Mondo Cannibale (1980), a gore shocker at the forefront of the ’80s European gut-muncher cycle that is exemplified by the disgusting masterworks Cannibal Holocaust (1980) and Cannibal Ferox, a.k.a. Make Them Die Slowly (1982).
Cannibals opens with an upstanding Caucasoid doctor and his family tending to savages along the Amazon.
When the locals decide that the interlopers look too tasty to be allowed to just dole out antibiotics, chops get licked, teeth get bared, and the medico’s wife gets devoured.
The natives also carry off the blonde daughter, prompting the doc to then spend years searching for her. When the Great White Father finally tracks down his offspring, she’s grown up to be taut-bodied, full-butted, deliciously mini-tittied Sabrina Siani (Conquest, Incontro nell'ultimo paradiso)and she’s reigning as Queen of the Cannibals!
Aside from Sabrina, Cannibals also supplies us nudes from Lina Romay, Franco’s on-screen muse and long-time real-life romantic companion.Of the 22 films in which luscious Barcelona native Lina has appeared nude, 18 were directed by Franco, beginning with her gynecological blood-bath in Female Vampire (1973) up to Angel of Death 2 (2007).
Long may they insanely reign.