Judging by National Lampoon’s Spring Break (2007), Spring Break Massacre (2008), Mardi Gras: Spring Break (2011), Bikini Spring Break (2012), Spring Breakers (2013), and Zombie Spring Breakers (2016), it’s crystal clear there’s one holiday that’s popular with skinephiles. Of course, we can’t forget to mention Spring Break (1983). Helmed by Friday the 13th (1980) director Sean S. Cunningham, this teen sex comedy features a couple of lady killers (Paul Land and Steve Bassett) who visit Ft. Lauderdale to get laid. Too bad they find two bookworms (David Knell and Perry Lang) booked in their hotel room. The nerds agree to share the room if the cool dudes show them how to get girls, such as Susie (Jayne Modean) and Joan (Corinne Wahl). The latter beauty flaunts her fab figure in an itsy bitsy teeny weeny striped bikini! Thanks to a cameo role as a literal knockout, Tammy Lynn Leppert is on hand to inspire fans to use their hands. If that’s not arousing enough, two cuties flash their racks and panties when they strip for their guys. Whether you prefer a blonde (Rhonda Flynn) or a brunette (Nikki Fritz), these topless hotties will steam up your jeans! Breast of all, a bunch of babes participate in a wet T-shirt contest. But competitive Carla (Sheila Kennedy) one-ups them by whipping off her shirt to jiggle her jugs. No doubt, the voluptuous victor deserves to come in first place. Yet when it comes to Mr. Skin, he’s content to take home the booby prize!