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Kettle of Fish

Kettle of Fish (2006)

No Nudity
  • Genres: Comedy, Romance
  • Directed by: Claudia Myers
  • Rated: R
  • Home Release: 03/06/2007
  • Theatrical Release: 10/06/2006
  • Country: USA
  • Buy on Amazon >>

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Salmon-lipped main dish Gina Gershon is a batty Brit feast of tits in Kettle of Fish (2006), a romantic comedy of the old-time screwball stripe. Gina's Ginger is sharing an apartment with jazz saxophonist Mel (Matthew Modine), and it's total battered-hell-on-a-platter for our blathering belle. It all starts when Mel goes ne'er-do-well and hooks a looker in Christy Cashman--and then gets caught and promptly released by his regular girl, Ewa De Cruz. Into this picture swims bespectacled Gina, the high-larious highlight of the film (as gutsy G always manages to be); she's seeing a co-worker (Kevin O'Connor), but something's cooking between Her Highness of Fineness and the commitment-cowardly Mel. And, headache of headaches, he's still after Christy, who is married to a man in the yogurt biz (a possibly cast-for-his-name-alone Fisher Stevens). If your brain's in a tiz from all these whirligigs, well, that's the point of screwball. A true homage to the genre, this one's a yawner if you're on the hunt for bare bazongers, but it goes without saying that hot-mama Gershonna's among the globe's glandular greats.