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The Talent Given Us

The Talent Given Us (2004)

No Nudity
  • Genres: Comedy, Drama
  • Directed by: Andrew Wagner
  • Rated: NR
  • Home Release: 07/11/2006
  • Theatrical Release: 06/17/2005
  • Country: USA
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The Talent Given Us (2004) is a family affair, written and directed by Andrew Wagner, starring his sisters, Maggie Wagner and Emily Wagner, and their parents, Allen Wagner and Judy Wagner. They’re all playing themselves and having a hoot doing it. You’ll enjoy the comedy of their family drama, especially that of Emily, who looks very desirable in a swimsuit and her underwear while she talks obsessively about UFOs. Now if only she showed off her unidentified flying objects then we’d have really seen the talent given her.