Luscious Laura Gemser reprises the titular role as an intrepid gal reporter from previous entries of her Black Emanuelle series with Emanuelle in Bangkok (1976), also known as Black Emanuelle Goes East. This time around, the “Lois Lane of Lust” lands in exotic Asia — specifically in the city whose name is most suited to Emanuelle’s main preoccupations. There, the bang-cock babe plans to profile a reclusive Thai king. Her first stop, naturally, is a massage parlor for some Sapphic action with nude Koike Mahoco. Laura then plays rub-a-dub-dub in a tub with Debra Berger after dunking her bush into the bath. Speaking of muffs, Ms. Gemser goes down on the aptly-named Ms. Berger while the bare beauties reveals their three Bs as well as their lesbian tendencies. But before you can say “lez be friends,” Emanuelle has angered the authorities with her snooping. To evade a posse of government-paid attackers (after they’ve practiced their trade on her), the hot heroine must seduce her way out of the country and back home. Will Emanuelle make it? Or, more accurately, who won’t she make it with? The answer sure isn’t Ely Galleani since this fit fox sheds her threads in an airplane bathroom to get it on with Em. Now, that’s what we call the friendly skies! In fact, the skintastic act means we get to see Ely’s full frontal nudity! If that’s not arousing enough, she also shows off her rump. In other words, this scene makes us rise a mile high!