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Angry Neighbors

Angry Neighbors (2022)

No Nudity
  • Genres: Comedy
  • Directed by: Warren Brock
  • Rated: R
  • Theatrical Release: 12/02/2022
  • Home Release: 01/31/2023
  • Country: USA
  • Buy on Amazon >>

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Based on the Roger Rosenblatt novel, Lapham Rising, a fictional tale addressing the real life invasion of mega mansions in the Hamptons, this comedy stars Frank Langella as a grumpy, retired novelist who talks to his dog and concocts an elaborate takedown of his über-wealthy neighbor’s massive home construction plans. Also interrupting the build is the curvy Katie Parker, who unties her string bikini to go skinny dipping in Georgia Pond while everyone, the neighbors and construction crew, watches. She uses her hands to cover her B cups so we don’t see much in the way off prime real estate but it is still a beautiful view!