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The Extinction of Fireflies

The Extinction of Fireflies (2021)

Brief Nudity

Top Scene


The Extinction of Fireflies (2021) is a modern comedy that is loosely based on an ancient romance. This story between two men in love was written and directed by James Andrew Walsh and it mirrors a gorgeous romance between the Roman Emperor Hadrian and his lover Antinous. A gay comedy writer invites his friend who is an actor to read his latest play based on that romance. However, the feedback is hilarious and their personal lives start to sound a lot like the play! While the men are falling for each other, we are falling for Tracie Bennett who plays a British TV actress named Charlotte. She comes over to read the play and in one scene she gets rid of her shirt and reveals her rack as a guy lotions her up. This scene is long and you will be, too, when you check out her yabos!