Wind von Sudost (1985), or Wind from the Southeast, is a made for tv German crime thriller about an Austrian man returning home after years spent studying in Germany. Upon his return, he decides to investigate his father's death, as he does not believe that it was a suicide. But his father's shady business dealings as a building contracted begin to pose a danger to him, and his girlfriend (Cornelia Kondgen), particularly once he gets involved with a married woman (Rita Russek). Cornelia Kondgen has a terrific topless scene in the film as she unleashes her left lobber while getting it on with her man. We get much more nudity from Rita Russek, however, who bares both boobs as the guy bangs her up against a wall, along with another quick look at her right rib cushion as she's getting into bed with her husband. Chrsitine Buchegger also shows up and gives us the briefest of looks between her legs at her lunchmeat. This trio of German gals will have you stroking your schweinshaxe!