Before HBO’s superhero series Watchmen (2019) swept the Primetime Emmys, DC Comics fans were watching Watchmen (2009) on the big screen. Based on the same-named graphic novel by Dave Gibbons, the big budget blockbuster presents an alternate world history and a deconstruction of the superhero genre. In this dystopian setting, we meet a bunch of conflicted characters including the libertine and mercenary Comedian (Jeffrey Dean Morgan), the mild-mannered Nite Owl II (Patrick Wilson), and the godlike Dr. Manhattan (Billy Crudup). The film also features our personal favorite: the cleavage-touting Sally Jupiter/Silk Spectre (Carla Gugino). When a mysterious person starts murdering their fellow costumed crimefighters, the gang begins to uncover a shocking conspiracy. Speaking of uncovering things, lovely Laurie Jupiter/Silk Spectre II (Malin Akerman) sheds her threads throughout the flick. First, she provides a far-off peek of her right peak and full patootie. Then, we get a fantastic view of Akerman’s rackerman and gorgeous glutes when she gets banged in the space ship. Blast off! If that’s not hot enough, a hot hooker (Tara Frederick) yanks down her top past her ripe nips to entice the misanthropic Rorschach (Jackie Earle Haley). Meanwhile, the mams on Rorschach’s mom (Lori Watt) can barely be contained in her black brassiere. Speaking of sexy sights, sensual Silhouette (Apollonia Vanova) reveals her deep cleavage and her lesbian tendencies when she swaps sapphic spit with a naughty nurse! No wonder the pic was named “Best Comic Book Movie” at the Scream Awards. Mr. Skin is applauding with one hand!