The Invisible Kid (1988) is a comedic science fiction flick from the late 1980s that was written and directed by Avery Crounse. A nerdy high school teen who loves to experiment with science in his own bedroom stumbles upon a surprising formula that makes people and things invisible. He decides to take it not just to experiment with it, but also to get revenge on anyone who has pissed him off. He gets revenge on jocks, mean adults, and he also spies on girls taking showers in the gym locker rooms. Hey, it's a teenaged boy who made himself invisible. That is to be expected from the young horny nerd! This also means that he sneaks up on some hot teenaged girls when they least expect it. He manages to check out the bare boobs on Corie Heninger who plays a Gung Ho Cheerleader. We're definitely gung ho for that hoe. Sorry for the language there, but it was low-hanging fruit! Speaking of fruit, we get to see the beautiful and juicy cleavage and long legs on the blonde beauty Chynna Phillips. Chynna plays the adorable Cindy Moore who is your typical girl-next-door. The Invisible Kid is spying on her as she changes into her silky white bra and panties that show off her beautiful midsection and slim figure. Those long legs are certainly visible to any leering eye. She eventually notices that the Invisible Kid is spying on her and she screams which ruins all the fun. It was good while it lasted!