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Slave Girls from Beyond Infinity

Slave Girls from Beyond Infinity (1987)

Great Nudity!

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Big Movie. Big Production. Big Girls. With a tagline like that, how could you possibly be disappointed with the lively B-movie Slave Girls from Beyond Infinity (1987)? The titular (What? It's a real word. That fact that it just happens to fit really well here in more than one way is purely coincidental. And an excellent word choice on the part of Mr. Skin.) are Daria (Elizabeth Kaitan) and Tisa (Cindy Beal). After they bust out of their intergalactic chains on the way to a slave planet, they crash land on another world, this one ruled by Zed (Don Scribner). Soon enough, the ladies learn the diabolical Zed’s favorite pastime is hunting human prey -- and they’re his next big adventure. While the duo fight to save themselves, they also have sexy times in bed, and are held up by robotic hands. All this, of course, while sparsely dressed, or not dressed at all. The "Big Girls" portion could be a direct reference to their breasts, each girl boasting more than a polite handful. There's also bare buttocks to enjoy ogling, and even a flash of bush beneath a loin cloth. While Cindy only had two other noted acting credits, you may recall seeing Elizabeth (who also goes by Elizabeth Cayton) in quite a few other projects. Born in Hungary, she moved to the US at age eight, always with the goal of Hollywood in mind. You may know her as Cindy in four of the Vice Academy movies, or playing Robin in Friday the 13th: Part VII (1988). She's a Great Nudity! girl here on Mr. Skin.