The horror comedy Life After Beth (2014) tells the tale of a young man (Dane DeHaan) who is despondent and inconsolable following the untimely death of his girlfriend Beth (Aubrey Plaza). When her parents (John C. Reilly & Molly Shannon) begin to shun him following Beth's funeral, however, he begins to suspect that Beth may still be alive. He soon discovers that Beth is indeed back from the dead, she's just not, shall we say, the same Beth he remembers. The lovely Aubrey Plaza doesn't get nude in the film, though she does lower her dress at the 44-minute mark and shows some cleavage in her bra! It's the beautiful Bonnie Burroughs who gives the film its best scene, when she appears as some sort of zombie who wanders past our hero full nude, giving us some nice looks at her boobs and butt! If that doesn't have you screaming "it's alive!" then nothing will!