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Influencer (2023)

Brief Nudity

Top Scene


Emily Tennant plays the Instagram-famous Madison, who’s pushing of products to her followers has garnered her enough wealth to enable a trip to Thailand. Her smiling food pics and videos of the beautiful sun-soaked beach hide her sadness that her boyfriend had bailed on the vacation and possibly the relationship altogether. She’s befriended at the hotel bar by CW (Cassandra Naud), just in time for her room to be robbed and her passport to be stolen, forcing her to stay a few extra weeks until she can get a new one. CW offers to let Madison stay with her, and that’s when the film takes a devious turn. It also goes from bikini-clad bods to full on boobage and booty from Cassandra while she carries out her nefarious plans in the sexiest way possible. She’s definitely our favorite Skin-fluencer!