Tokyo Project (2017) is a short film that stars Sebastian (Ebon Moss-Bachrach) on a business trip to Tokyo from Brooklyn. His business is going great in Japan, but he is distracted by his past and by a woman he sees at his hotel named Claire (Elisabeth Moss). Claire and Sebastian keep running into each other and are clearly attracted to each other as two Americans in a distant land. They soon find, however, that they might be far more linked than they had previously thought.
The gorgeous Elisabeth Moss gets very sexy in bed with her new lover in Tokyo. Among all the brilliant lights and sights the city has to offer, Elisabeth's sexy milk-white curves are the only sight we want to see. There are several close-up shots of her hips, buns, and cleavage as she and Ebon get passionately frisky. We even focus on her face while she moans with pleasure as he eats her out. We'll have what he's having!