When a group of American tourists vacationing in Cancun meet a German fella (Joe Anderson) searching for his missing archeologist brother, the bored of the beach Yanks see an opportunity for a unique adventure. Deciding to team up with the German and explore the forbidden temple his brother was excavating in hopes of finding clues to where he went, they set off into the Mexican jungles. While there are thousands of ways following a foreign stranger with a questionable story into the depths of Mexico could lead to your death, The Ruins (2008) provides a rather unique one. The natives immediately point weapons at them when they get anywhere near the mysterious pyramid, and start killing anyone who touches the vines growing on it. Fleeing to the top of the structure, Jeff (Jonathan Tucker), Amy (Jena Malone), Stacy (Laura Ramsey), Eric (Shawn Ashmore), and Mathias (Joe Anderson) all find themselves trapped on top of the Mayan pyramid with a famished, human-eating plant that’s bent on devouring them alive, and natives waiting on the ground to slaughter anyone who thinks of climbing down. While it might sound like a B movie plot, this one was based on a widely heralded novel written, and adapted to the screen by, Oscar nominated screen writer Scott B. Smith. But don't worry, Scott made sure to include some scenes that'll ensure those evil vines aren't gonna be the only things growing! While battling a hangover, Jena Malone does a bit of puking in her panties, but still manages to look sexy while doing it. We'll hold your hair, and when you feel better we'll hold your perky pair! But one upping that, on top of flaunting her bikini body, Laura Ramsey showed off all three B's while changing clothes. Speaking of changing clothes, be careful watching this flick, you might just ruin your pants!