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The Killer in the House

The Killer in the House (2016)

No Nudity


(0:03) Mara McCann is in the shower. Then walks around in a towel. And shows some cleavage before getting stabbed in the mouth. 

(0:13) Great close-ups of Alyssa Accardo’s legs in shorts as she sits and then lies on the bed.

(0:17) Alyssa Accardo in a bikini sitting by the lake.

(0:22) Rachael Feldman & Jennifer Suter kissing in the shower.

(0:30) Alyssa Accardo in bathtub. Bubbles just covering her chest.

(0:47) Alyssa Accardo, Kaleigh Ann Tharpe, Emily Ryan Reed, Rachael Feldman and Jennifer Suter in their bra and panties having a pillow fight.

(1:35) Footage on Jennifer Suter in her pink bra getting makeup put on during the final credits.

(1:35) Shot of Rachael Feldman in her bra during the final credits with Emily Ryan Reed in bra and panties in the background. Then Alyssa Accardo too when she moves.