Are there any five words that are sweeter to hear than I Love It From Behind (1981)? We didn't think so. And speaking of sweet, there's plenty of honey a-drippin' in this comedic "pink" flick from those lovable perverts at Nikkatsu Studios. Eschewing the heavy themes of many of its contemporaries, I Love It From Behind tells the story of Mimei (Juno Asahina), a sexually adventurous young woman who collects penis prints from every man she sleeps with. Determined to reach 100 before she is married, Mimei moves to Tokyo and shacks up with Masumi (Mari Kishida) and Kimura (Shin Makamaru), a lesbian couple with some kinky sexual peccadillos. And with T&A from all three of our leads, lesbian lovin' between Mari and Shin, and sexy-kooky scenes like Junko eating noodles while getting screwed, Mari literally fingering herself with a mannequin hand, and Junko enthusiastically spanking her Sapphic roommates, there's plenty to love up front and behind.