The softcore porn world very rarely lends any credibility to the women showing their titties. Busty babes playing cops have no idea how to hold their gun, the ladies hiking up their checkered skirts to play naughty schoolgirls come from checkered pasts that don't involve parents paying private school tuition, and even the MILFy housewives tend to not have kids old enough to have teen friends. Given this fact of life, our cock was in shock when we heard about Euro Angels (2002). A dirty flick out of Japan that features a trio of Romanian gymnasts doing naked routines, this one starsLavinia Milosovici, Claudia Presecan, and Corina Ungureanu. But these aren't porn starlets pretending to flip and roll. Lavinia took two gold medals for Romania at the 1992 Olympics as well as a pair of bronzes at the 1996 games. Claudia won a gold medal for Romania at the 2000 Olympics in Sydney, and though she didn't make the Romanian Olympic team, Corian did represent the country at the 1997 World Championships. There's no plot, just our trio looking hot, as they flash all three B's doing some gymnastics practice. We wish they were together in the gym practicing to do the nasty! The trio of galloping trollops goes from the showers to the dance floor and on the way exposes every inch of their well-toned bodies--right down to the exclamation point of pubic grooming that they also share. Beyond all the rhythmic stretching, Lavinia showers off after all that exercise, while we also get to see the other ladies undressing Corina after practice. All three got in trouble from the Romanian Gymnastics Federation for this one, but didn't care since they all got at least 40K for the filming. Convert that to Euros, and these Angels were still worth every penny. Mr. Skin gives their Euro Angels performance a perverted ten!