Der fremde Gast (2007), or The Foreign Guest, is a made for tv German thriller that opens with an elderly couple being brutally murdered. From there the action cuts to Charlotte (Barbara Rudnik) a woman who lives alone in a villa in Marseille. Out of the blue one day, an old friend of hers from high school shows up, and they begin to rekindle their long dormant friendship, but it isn't long before the connection between his appearance and the murdered couple becomes clear! Barbara Rudnik stays sadly clothed throughout the film, but she does wear a low cut dress in one scene as she wanders the streets, giving us some nice long looks at her fantastic cleavage! The best action in the film comes courtesy of Natascha Paulick who is laying face down and fully nude in bed when a guy comes up and begins kissing her keister, while the camera gives us some nice close ups on her comely caboose! The Foreign Guest will go just as quickly as you came!