Very loosely based on William Shakespeare’s The Tempest, the Troma comedy stars director Lloyd Kaufman as Prospero, a disgraced scientist stranded on the shores of New Jersey after being sabotaged by his rival, pharmaceutical exec Big Al (Abraham Sparrow). Hearing that Al and company are taking a party boat to North Korea, Prospero decides to get revenge by feeding the whales in the ocean a laxative he created so that the sheer amount of whale feces forces them to cruise back in his direction. Once they are all ashore, Prospero uses another one of his drugs, called Tempest, to lure Big Al and his entourage to the club he owns, where Prospero’s blind daughter Miranda (Kate McGarrigle) falls in love with one of them, the young Ferdinand (Erin Patrick Miller). Kate’s T’n’A make their big screen debut as the two hump up a storm, with Kate donning pigtails, a pink skirt, and a pulled down tank top while belting out that she’s got a “Renaissance in Her Pants.” She’s not the only one! Especially with busty partygoers like Elizabeth D’Ambrosio, Nadia White, and Vada Callisto all baring their breasts as well. Batten down the hatches, there’s about to be a tempest in your trousers!