Sacrifice (2020) is a mystery movie from writer and director Andy Collier who co-directed this movie with Toor Mian. The plot follows a young man whose mother has died. He now returns to his hometown on a rural Norwegian island to get the inheritance that he is surprised to learn that he is about to receive. However, when he and his pregnant wife get to his birthplace they learn that there is something really weird about his ancestral home. This nice trip quickly turns into a brutal nightmare after they find out that the entire village is ruled by an evil cult that worships a mystical - and sinister - being that lives in the sea. Ah! Scary! With a title like "Sacrifice", it's easy to imagine that this quickly leads to nowhere good. That being said, there is some really good nudity in this movie that makes this mysterious horror film worth everyone's time to watch. The beautiful Johanna Adde Dahl swims naked under the water to show off her sleek and toned body. Check out her breasts and her clean-shaven bush as she strokes her arms and kicks her legs with grace. We get to watch her go from her shoulders above the water to taking a full dip beneath the surface. Then we watch her legs propel her body through the water. She glides underwater like she is an underwater creature that is worth the worship of a sinister cult. Hey, wait a minute. Is that a sexy spoiler?