Jed (Christopher Mulvin)’s world falls apart when his wife unexpectedly dies and his descent into utter depression and guilt over her death leads him to a bar where he comes face to face with a deranged cannibal named Lionel Flack (Neal Ward). Lionel convinces Jed that he can help Jed redeem himself and be reunited with his wife in the afterlife - by letting Lionel eat him. Jed agrees at first, but as he slowly and painfully gets chopped up and devoured, he starts to question if he made the right choice. It may not sound like the plot leaves room for nudity, but it’s there, in the form of nudecomer Clare Almond as Lionel’s mom, who is posed naked in a painting Lionel shows Jed and can be seen sitting in the buff at the table after one of the aforementioned meals.