Ned Rifle (2014) is the third film in a trilogy from Canadian director Hal Hartley, following Henry Fool (1997) and Fay Grim (2007). The film follows the title character, played by Liam Aiken, who is on a mission to find his father Henry (Thomas Jay Ryan) and kill him for destroying his mother Fay's (Parker Posey) life. Ned soon meets the mysterious and sexy Susan (Aubrey Plaza), a woman whose past with Henry goes back to the time before he came into the Grim's lives, complicating matters for Ned even further! Thankfully this series didn't come to a close before this film, if for no other reason than this film brought us a knockout left boob slip from the lovely Aubrey Plaza! While getting taken from behind by Henry, her left breast pops out from her camisole. Sadly, the best part of it is covered by a nip patch! Still, don't be surprised to find yourself rifling through your pants for your own sidearm!