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Blue (2018)

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Blue (2018) is a dramedy based on the real experienced of writer and director Gabriela Ledesma and Callie Schuttera who co-wrote this with the director Gabriela. Callie also stars in this as a very cute young woman who struggles to get her life back on track after she failed her attempt to kill herself. Now that she has a new lease on life, but still experiences intense depression, she tries to find thing to live for and reckon with the embarrassment of her failed suicide attempt. She had been struggling with suicidal thoughts ever since she was a child and she tried to kill herself by ingesting rat poison. After getting saved, she gets admitted to a hospital for help where she struggles to accept the help that is given to her. Through therapy and the kindness of these new strangers trying to help her, she finds inspiration to keep going. It also helps that one of her doctors is a hot guy who develops feelings for her and gets a little too close. That'll do it! Callie plays the beautiful Helen Daniels, our leading lady, who shows off her booty when she walks in a hospital gown. No wonder the doctor takes a liking to her. She's walking around the hospital with a hot hiney like that. She's bound to get a lot of onlookers and secret admirers. Are you feeling Blue...in the balls? Then this scene will help! Side effects include fantasizing about Callie all day long.