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Milena Dreißig

Milena Dreißig Nude

No Nudity

Keywords: No Nudity, White, Blonde Hair, Small Breasts, Real Breasts, Average Body

Birthplace: Berlin, DE

Date of Birth: 05/24/75

Top Milena Dreißig Scenes

Muxmäuschenstill (2004) Nude, butt, body double 00:44:00 BODY DOUBLE: Extremely brief (only 5 or 6 frames) but XTREEEEEM CLOSE-UP gyno-cam when Jan Henrik Stahlberg tears off her bikini bottom. See the can AND the clam! (13 secs)
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Mr. Skin is a sucker for German hotties who have no issue stripping down for the pleasure of the bratwurst in our pants. Check out actress Milena Dreißig to know exactly what we mean! Milena was born in the divided city of Berlin, Germany, but we’re not divided in our opinion of the blonde beauty. She’s a keeper. The five-foot, nine-inch statuesque smoke show has been working in the business we call show since landing a recurring role on the boob tube series Unter uns, where she played Antonia Schwarz in the mid-1990s. Within the next decade she was exposing her decadent side. In the pseudo-documentary Muxmäuschenstill (2004), about a German who tries to model his world according to his ideas of law and sexual order, Milena poses in a bikini, which is hot, but then lets the cameraman take almost microscopic close-ups of her cooze. You can almost smell its sensual clammy musk. While any flesh fiend will be thoroughly occupied for the day after discovering this flick, it is unfortunately the last of Milena's skin-tastic fare on screen. Luckily this beauty has maintained her career in showbiz, and you can still find her in a multitude of different European television and film roles. Check her out in the mini-series Deutscher as well as the series How to Sell Drugs Online (Fast). We wish the title would have been something more like "How to Undress Completely Online (Fast)" but of course they didn't take our recommendations to heart. Hopefully Milena will hear us loud and clear and get skin-ful!