The German made-for-television film Gotz von Berlichingen (2014) is based on the true life story of the man known as Gotz of the Iron Hand (Henning Baum), a mercenary who lived in the late 15th and more than half of the 16th Century. Following his heroic victory in the German Peasants War, he soon became a mercenary for hire, fighting in more than a dozen additional battles, often coming out victorious! He is now best remembered for his braggadocio, fueled by his proclivity for exaggeration in his own autobiography. The film follows his life. A man with a voracious appetite for life is most certainly going to have his fair share of naked women in his story, and that's where the gorgeous Dennenesch Zoude comes into play! Dennenesch bares her beautiful suck sacks twice in the film, giving us a great look as she washes up in an early scene! Just go ahead and do what's natural... Do what Gotz would do... Just don't do it with an iron hand!