Drole de genre (2003), or Funny Gender, is a made for tv French film that plays with the notion of gender roles in modern French society. The film follows a married couple in which the wife Dominique (Agnes Sorel) has the more successful job as President of a cosmetics company, and her husband assumes the more subservient role of taking care of the children and the household. Neither of them have any moral high ground however, as they are both conducting affairs with other people. Blah blah, French politics and role reversals, who cares? Agnes Sorel serves up her skin sacks in a clip in which she lays topless in bed smoking a cigarette and chatting with her much younger lover. The husband's lover played by Cecile Magnet is no slouch herself, also letting her lobbers loose as she indulges in a topless bedtime chat with the husband. These two French beauties should puff up your pastry in no time!