Swamp Ape (2017) is a thriller co-written and directed by Geoff Ward and starring Vanessa Capriglione, Justin Brackett, and Adam Brudnicki. This film follows a group of college students who journey into the Florida Everglades for research. However when the students enter forbidden Native American land they soon come across a dangerous creature known as the Swamp Ape. The vivacious Vanessa Capriglione and the luscious Lina Dang both show some skin in this film. Lina shows off her tight bod while playing beach volleyball in a skimpy bikini. Vanessa gets undressed left and right. We see this lovely lady in a bikini in several scenes and at one point we even catch a glimpse of Vanessa in her bra and panties! The juicy Jackie Gonzalez does the heavy lifting in the nudity department. Jackie shows off her bodacious booty in just a thong and then gets topless to make out with her man in the woods. It’s kind of dark but we get quick peek at that luscious left boob! You’ll go ape for the ladies of Swamp Ape!