At the height of World War II, some military officials from one of the bad guys country decides to head to South America with an artifact to see if they can harness the power to win the war! The ancient artifact is called Anhangá, which is a bloody horned skull that contains the spirit and power of the executioner of a Pre-Colombian God of the jungles of South America! When their experiment fails in 1944, the evil lies dormant in the jungle until now, when a sexy lesbian archaeologist, Galvani Volta (Guta Ruiz) finds the skull and brings it to her home in Sao Paulo to study. Her younger and goth girlfriend, Lilah (Greta Antoine) is compelled to see the skull and releases it from the box... The skull immediately kills them both and possesses a physical form and is now hell bent on executing anyone and everyone that lies in it's path on the streets of the Brazilian Metropolis! The need for blood and guts is unquenchable and the only thing even attempting to slow it down is a down and out alcoholic police detective who is in charge of solving the crimes this supernatural serial killer is committing! This is a true slasher throwback that has plenty of big breasted Brazilian beauties like Greta Antoine with some sopping wet tits in a completely sheer shirt as well as the busty Beatriz Severo breaking horror movie safety protocols and having topless sex with her boyfriend in their car! It was only a matter of time before Skull: The Mask breaks the window, stabbed her with the glass and then strangles her idiot boyfriend with her guts and moves on to his next victims!