Sabotage (2014) is the latest film from writer/director David Ayer (Training Day). The film follows an elite DEA taskforce headed by Breacher (Arnold Schwarzenegger) who come across a safe belonging to a drug cartel, which they decide to take for themselves. It isn't long before the team finds themselves under investigation by a hard nosed FBI agent (Olivia Williams), but they soon have bigger problems when they start getting picked off one by one. Like most of Ayer's films, this one features some pretty decent nudity, including a look at the right breast of an unidentified woman at the three minute mark! At the 27-minute mark, we get to see breasts onAngela Kerecz as a stripper, and at the 1:03 mark, Olivia Williams goes for a nighttime naked swim, revealing her right breast in an underwater shot! Sabotage will have you giving yourself a one-handed massage!