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Other People

Other People (2021)

Brief Nudity

Top Scene


The Polish drama Other People (2021) follows aspiring rapper Kamil (Jacek Beler) as he attempts to break into the big time. Kamil seemingly has the world at his fingertips with his loving girlfriend Aneta (Magdalena Kolesnik) offering up her unconditional support. However, lacking the funds to really launch his career, Kamil soon falls for a bored wealthy housewife Iwona (Sonia Bohosiewicz), and the two begin a torrid affair with the hopes she will give him the money he needs to succeed. Naturally, all manner of problems ensue! This flick is chock full of nudity with Magdalena Kolesnik going fantastically full frontal for a sex scene and busty Sonia Bohosiewicz baring her breasts! When having sex with Sonia in two different scenes, our protagonist pictures naked women Liliya Moisyeyeva and Paulina Pastuszczak in the room with them, and we get a peek at Marta Ojrzyńska's peaks when she has sex with a guy!