Number 96 is not a sequel to the dreadful Jim Carrey movie The Number 23 (2007), nor is it the tantric tale of a carnally creative couple who invent a new, reverse 69 position. Instead, it's a successful Australian primetime soap opera, famous for featuring some of the most shocking storylines seventies audiences had ever seen! The Aussie soap Number 96 debuted in 1972, and centered around the lives of apartment dwellers living at 96 Lindsay Street, Paddington Australia. Broadcast in black and white for its first few years, Aussies went crazy for the then incredibly risqué storylines about being gay and trans, PTSD, and doing all sorts of drugs, with the show even featuring a few lesbian kissing scenes. The show's willingness to get wild was largely because it was Network 10's dying gasp and threw everything at the wall to try and attract attention. That it did, with land down under ladies and lads infatuated by ideas like Don Finlayson (Joe Hasham), a dandy dude of a lawyer who was, get this, gay! What? Yes, back in the early seventies it was a huge shock that a man would enjoy some good cock! We also saw Debbie Chester (Dina Mann) becoming addicted to heroin, met Robyn Ross (Carlotta), an openly trans character actually played by a real life trans person, and spent some time with a devil worshipping lesbian (Toni Lamond) who fondled women after giving them sleeping pills. Okay, so maybe it wasn't perfectly progressive, but for the seventies it's pretty dang impressive! The stars of the show were the old lady concierge Dorrie Evans (Pat McDonald), the elderly pensioner Herb (Ron Shand) and the flirty fashion designer Vera (Elaine Lee). But the real stars were the Australian censors, who let us see skin on the small screen. We get a bit of bare back from Wendy Hughes, but it's Deborah Gray who was willing to go full frontal. The gorgeous, blonde former fashion model will dial your dick up to 100 seeing her flashing for a fellow female. No wonder this one was such a huge hit! Any show could get viewers and spewers if it featured women 86ing their clothes like Deborah in Number 96!