Nachtangst (2004), or Night Terrors, is a German thriller about a medical student named Anna (Marie Zielcke) who suffers from extreme night terrors and nightmares. She teams up with fellow students to study her sleep patterns in hopes of finding a cure for these nightmares. They finally crack the code, and are able to cure her, but things take a turn for the bizarre when one of her fellow students ends up dead in a manner very similar to what Anna's dreams suggested. Marie Zielcke may be suffering from some terrible dreams, but she'll give you nothing but sweet dreams when you get a load of her terrific body in these screen caps from the film. We get to see her fantastic fanny from far away as she showers before conducting experiments one night, and the attire she wears during the experiments is very skimpy, barely covering up her boppers and showing off most of her torso. Night Terrors may have you conducting some experiments of your own!