Family affection can be one of the strongest bonds of a post-pubescent male's lifetime, especially if his hormones are raging and he has proximity to a young aunt who is a bit of a slut, as does the titular, voyeuristic nephew of Moritz, lieber Moritz (1978). Even without the blood connection, fifteen-year-old Moritz would be powerless to keep his eye from the keyhole when his darkly mysterious, carnally sensuous female relative admires her rump and rib cushions in the boudoir mirror, or when she spreads her legs and squirms in the naked embrace of a randy gentleman friend. Tearing his eyes away is especially impossible for Moritz once the sexy aunt has spied him spying on her and responds by treating him to a full-frontal, full-flesh flash. The success of Moritz, lieber Moritz comes largely from ensuring that the audience's viewpoint is so often at one with the keyhole focus of Moritz's fixation.