A cult classic that launched a bunch of sequels, a successful television show, and had one of the most badass theme songs of all time, Highlander (1986) is one of the most original ideas Hollywood ever had the guts to go with. "There can be only one," is the call of a wild group of swordfighting immortals that have to hunt down and decapitate one another to further their powers, until there's only one of them left. Our head honcho in head chopping is Connor Macleod, a former Scottish warrior who was expelled from his highlands community sometime in the 1500's for witchcraft, after being stabbed in battle but not dying. Eventually he's tracked down by an inexplicably accented Spanish swordfighter named Juan Sanchez Villa-Lobos Ramirez (Sean Connery) who teaches him all about the rules of being an immortal, and the whole chopping other dude's heads off thing. Why? Juan wants all the good dude's to know how to fight, so a psycho like The Kurgan (Clancy Brown) doesn't win the final prize and get all that power. But The Kurgan kills Juan, and we flash to 1985 New York City to watch as Conor and The Kurg face off in an iconic swordfight. In between this ass-kicking adventure, the impossibly cute Beatie Edney flashes a nipple whilst rolling in the grass with the kilt wearing killer. She's unbelievable, but do you gotta be a highlander to land her? Because this decapitating dude gets a lot of head! A bit more breast exposure comes from Roxanne Hart, who plays Lambert's '80s love interest. They share in some copulative fun near the end of the flick with her perky, sweaty breasts in full view, albeit in some rather dim light. Even The Jurgen gets in on the action when he orders Corinne Russell as a leather clad hooker named Candy! There can be only one--and it's a hard one in your pants!