A husband's obsessive love manifests itself as an insatiable hunger in the twisted Danish psychodrama Beast (2012). Bruno (Nicolas Bro) and his wife Maxine (Marijana Jankovic) have just moved into a gorgeous condo, but all is not well in their relationship. There's Maxine's lover Valdemar (Nikolaj Lie Kaas),sure, but far more sinister is Bruno's obsession with possessing his wife by drinking her blood, a fixation that manifests itself as constant stomach pains. And there's only one way for him to satiate them...Fans of edge play will get a kinky kick out of the scene where Nicolas cuts Marijana's right breast in an S&M lovemaking session, but even if you're not into knives, Marijana's topless shots 13, 50, 52, 55 and 1 hour and 12 minutes in will really sharpen your blade.