Through the decades, audiences have shown a preference for films focused on adultery. After the French-Italian drama The Adultress (1973), the Chinese romp That’s Adultery (1975), the Spanish comedy La adúltera (1975) and the Swiss dramedy Adultery: a User’s Guide (1995), we got to see the American crime thriller Adulterers (2015), also known as Avouterie. Based on true events, the movie takes place over one crazy New Orleans day in the middle of a heat wave. Yet the sweltering weather is not the only thing that’s raising the temperature (as well as our trousers). When Samuel Deuprey (Sean Faris) returns home to find his wife Ashley (Danielle Savre) in the sack with another man (Mehcad Brooks), he holds the two at gunpoint while he figures out his next move. Ms. Savre saves the day when she bangs her lover while her hubby with a chubby watches from the other room. Cuckold-doodle-doo! We also get to see Danielle’s bare breasts as she leaps from the bed to hide from a brandished gun. Needless to say, the scene will have you reaching for your sex pistol. If that’s not erotic enough, the blonde babe bares her beautiful butt! In the tradition of Reservoir Dogs (1992) and Panic Room (2002), the locations are few but the tensions are high. And at times, the film feels like a play but that’s okay with us so long as we are treated to nudity. In fact, Mr. Skin gives Danielle’s unclothed performance a standing ovation in his pants!