Filmmaker James Gray (We Own the Night, Two Lovers) reunites with Joaquin Phoenix for The Immigrant (2013). Set in New York City in 1921, the costume drama follows a pair of Catholic sisters (Marion Cotillard and Angela Sarafyan) who leave post-Great War Poland to seek opportunity in America via Ellis Island. Before Orlando the Magician (Jeremy Renner) tries to work his magic and help the women, Magda (Sarafyan) is quarantined for lung disease. As her sis Ewa (Cotillard) sets off to earn money for her release, she finds herself reluctantly working as a prostitute and burlesque dancer for a slippery dude named Bruno Weiss (Phoenix). But despite taking on salacious jobs, Ewa never gets naked on screen. Considering how stunning Ms. Cotillard is, this comes as quite a blow. What’s the point of starring in a period piece if you don’t show any piece of your fine figure? At least, Bruno runs the Bandits’ Roost theater which is populated by plenty of topless performers: Belva (Dagmara Dominczyk), Clara (Jicky Schnee), Edyta (Maja Wampuszyc), and Little Egypt (Susan Gardner). Before they take the stage, the naked babes reveal their racks while washing up in a public bathhouse. Later, the bare-breasted beauties don titillating getups designed to get audiences off during an old-timey burlesque show. Still, the demure Ewa remains clothed since she’s dressed as Lady Liberty. Yes, the USA is a great place to be. You can bet that’s why Mr. Skin is eager to give all of the gals a trouser salute!