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The Eve

The Eve (2015)

Brief Nudity

Top Scene


The Eve (2015) takes the typical friends-go-on-a-reclusive-vacation horror trope and makes it a little deeper (though a little more covered up, too). The action begins on NYE, when an adult group of old friends decide to spend the holiday together for "auld lang syne." They arrive as two couples, but only three are college friends; the fourth, a woman named Lacey (Miranda Noelle Wilson), is Harrison's new girlfriend. Though everything starts out warm and fuzzy, it turns out the four all have their own tensions. The plot begins to thicken when Lacey kisses Scott out of nowhere. (Just, why?) Everyone starts brooding, and that's when the murders begin to happen. They suspect it's the property's caretaker at first, but things are not as they seem! For a genre that's usually rife with nudity, this didn't exactly tickle our funnybone, but we do see cleavage on María DiDomenico when she's wearing a nightgown plus Miranda Noelle Wilson's butt when she walks into the ocean.