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For many, the relentless cheeriness of Christmas is more than a little hard to swallow...thus the evergreen nature of the Christmas slasher movie. And like all slasher movies, these yuletide nightmares don't skimp on the skin, so join Skin Central as we round up the breast of the bunch:

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Toni Nero, Silent Night, Deadly Night (1984) (Also see Silent Night, Deadly Night 2, 3, and 4- 2 features an exceptionally insane performance from Eric Buckman and is the origin of the infamous GARBAGE DAY! viral video. Highly recommended for yuletide yuks.)

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And while we can't say that Santa Claws (1996) is a "good" movie, or even an enjoyably bad one, we can say that it has TONS of TA from Debbie Rochon, Lisa Delien, Christine Cavalier, Sue Ellen White, and Terri Lewandowski.

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The same goes for Pat Astley in Don't Open 'Til Christmas (1984). Pat must not have paid much attention to the title, since she opens her shirt no less than four times in this UK fright flick.

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Karin Konoval, Black Christmas (2006). Karen plays the mom of the killer, whose XXXmas extramarital antics (seen at left) set off the whole homicidal chain of events, in this remake of the 1974 Christmas slasher classic.

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Fran Drescher, Santa's Slay (2005). Fran and Chris Kattan are good sports as they make fun of themselves in the first scene of this entertaining holiday horror flick, but unfortunately they both get bumped off before Fran can unveil her funbags.

For more nice n' naughty holiday hotties, check out our Jolly Christmas-Themed Nudes playlist right here at MrSkin.com!