Late Summer (2016) is a Norwegian mystery thriller directed by Henrik Martin Dahlsbakken and starring Bente Børsum, Rolf Kristian Larsen, and Heidi Toini. Originally titled Sensommer, this drama follows an old woman living like a recluse in her home in the French countryside. The woman’s isolation is ruined when a young couple on vacation intrudes on her life. The super hot Heidi Toini can intrude on our life anytime she wants! Heidi gets stripped and sexy in this film. This nubile Norwegian gets topless, showing off her pert and perfect tits for a sensual smooch with the rugged Rolf Kristian. We also get a great look at Heidi’s bodacious buns when she’s relaxing in bed in some yummy yellow panties. We can’t wait to see this gorgeous ginger get naked again!