The German comedy Kein Großes Ding (2013), or Not a Big Deal, centers on real life friends Henning Gronkowski and Thomas Mahmoud who turned their opposites attract friendship into a feature film where they essentially play variations on their real selves. When Thomas gets sent to jail for a crime that Henning committed, things seem to be going Henning's way in this crazy world. However, little does Henning know that his friend will soon be out of jail and looking for Henning, not to resume their friendship, but to make Henning pay for setting him up! Obviously what Henning thinks is Kein Großes Ding, Thomas in turn things is very much a Großes Ding! It's an age old tale, especially if you're German, you've probably heard this story a hundred times before and when it stars two of their most beloved real life best friends turned best friends in a movie, you can guarantee that the Germans are gonna be on top of this thing. They're gonna be all over it, and frankly you might be as well when you get a load of the knockout nudity in the flick! The sensationally stacked and gorgeous Leila Lowfire is on hand to do a burlesque routine with some sexy red pasties over her nipples, but she later goes topless to get busy with Henning! Honestly, if this is the kind of thing Germans are really into, we're considering making a move! They've got at least two huge advantages over us at the moment and both of those things are Leila Lowfire's breasts!