Dutch master Paul Verhoeven went into semi-retirement after making Hollow Man (2000), having only made two films in the two decades since. While his film Black Book (2006) was plenty controversial all on its own, nothing holds a candle to the controversial bomb he detonated known as Elle (2016). Isabelle Huppert, another master of controversial cinema, stars as Michele, a successful upper class French woman who owns a successful video game company. The film opens with Michele being sexually assaulted in her home by a masked invader. The event, of course, begins to consume her life as she evaluates all of the men she knows to suss out the most likely suspect. That's not going to be easy as Michele seems to make enemies everywhere she goes, whether it's the men who work for her that seem to resent her power and status, or the husband of her best friend with whom she's been carrying on a long affair. Since this is a Paul Verhoeven flick, it's likely that the answer to this is going to upset you and the series of events that unfolds after she discovers her attacker is likely to unsettle you even further! Isabelle Huppert earned a well-deserved Oscar nomination for her work in this film and she has a total of seven nude scenes spread over the film's 130 minute running time! Her first topless appearance comes just two minutes in, while her last happens an hour and fifty-eight minutes in! Throw a phenomenal full frontal scene from the gorgeous Caroline Breton, along with terrific topless scenes from Alice Isaaz and Anne Consigny, and you're going to have yourself one Elle of a time!