The title Bacchanales Sexuelles (1974) says it all, even if you don't know what it's saying at all. The film also goes by the equally evocative Fly Me the French Way. But whatever you call it, this is a softcore classic from softcore maestro Jean Rollin. The plot, which is only there to loosely string the scenes of naked ladies together, revolves around Joëlle Coeur housesitting for her cousin. She's frightened being alone in the large empty house, so she calls her hot girlfriend Marie-France Morel. A good song and half a bottle of vodka later, the two find warmer comfort in each other's naked arms. Noises wake the lovers, and eventually it's revealed that Joëlle's cousin is a member of a secret sex club. Needless to add, everyone has sex with everyone else. Besides Joëlle and Marie-France, Minia Malove gets her rug munched, Agnès Lemercier goes full frontal in a tub with Joëlle, and Brigitte De Borghese is just naked, which is enough. Next time Mr. Skin flies, it'll definitely be the French way.