Norwegian filmmaker Bent Hamer (we still can’t believe that name) is known for crafting tight, fine-tuned flicks that are gorgeous to look at, so it’s no surprise he cast the lovely Ane Dahl Torp to play the lead character in 1001 Grams (2014)! Hamer’s precise filmmaking takes a literal turn with the flick’s title and its scrupulous protagonist who works with the Norwegian prototype kilogram. While her rigidity is tested with heartbreaking moments and her daily routine is increasingly clouded with isolation, Ane’s sexy scenes in 1001 Grams will have you rigid (it took us a while to get there, but we did it)! First, skip to the 8 minute mark to see Ane show off her sexy top and panties, then go to the 1 hour, 21 minute mark to get a great glimpse of Torp’s torpedoes as she bares both breasts a couple of different times while taking a bath with a guy! Grams will make your hands slam your yam!