The title of the Argentinian miniseries Yosi, The Regretful Spy is something of an understatement. The series stars Gustavo Bassani as the titular intelligence officer who decides to come out of retirement and infiltrate a local Jewish community that has come under suspicion of illegal activity. Little does Yosi realize that they've got him pegged before his mission even begins, placing him in almost immediate danger, and making him more than a little regretful that he left retirement behind for what amounts to a suicide mission! You, on the other hand, won't have any regrets about checking this show out thanks to the two pairs of topless scenes in the series! Two topless standing sex scenes come to us courtesy of nudecomer Minerva Casero, while Carla Quevedo also flashes her fun bags in a sex scene as well as a post-coital chat! Yosi will make you grow-si!