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Supersex (2024)

Hall of Fame Nudity!


An Italian series loosely based on the life of Rocco Siffredi, born Rocco Antonio Tano and raised in the rural town of Ortona, it shows how the younger version of him (Saul Nanni) was influenced by his older, hyper-masculine brother Tommaso (Francesco Pellegrino). Rocco ends up following Tommaso to Paris, working as a waiter while Tommaso pimps out his longtime girlfriend Lucia (Jasmine Trinca) to help pay the bills. Rocco (played as a grown-up by Alessandro Borghi) eventually gets to turn his fixation and penchant for hard sex into a profession as well, transforming into a famously aggressive porn star. And like every series set in the adult film world, there is nudity abound! Jasmine whips out her nips in a trio of scenes, while Gaia Messerklinger shows all three Bs as noted Italian adult film actress Moana Pozzi. A bevy of bare babes are seen in both his professional and personal life, including the kinky Beatrice Olla, Aurora Moroni, Linda Caridi, Nutsa Khubulava, Natalia Legeyda, and Linda Hardy. Special shoutouts to Jade Pedri, who visits a sex club and shows her terrific T’n’A during an orgy filled with other unnamed nudies, and Eva Cela, who flashes some lusty labia in bed. This series is filled head to toe with super skin!