Anne (Helene Joy) is a former archery champion and mother whose husband was killed in a hit-and-run-accident that remains unsolved. She and her daughter live in a wealthy part of Montreal and she’s now engaged to a business man who leaves for a work trip to South America. Before he returns, his son Owen (her soon-to-be stepson, who she has not seen in years) visits with a beautiful Turkish woman named Safiye (Liane Balaban) he claims is his girlfriend. His sudden appearance and Safiye’s odd behavior makes Anne so suspicious she becomes borderline obsessed with her, following her around, trying to prevent her from destroying her comfortable new life. Meanwhile, we’re obsessed with Helene and her amazing hooters, whether she’s standing in front of a mirror or brushing her hair on the edge of the bed. There’s even a slight peek at her southern border as she’s taking a bath! The best part of Woman in Car is by far when Helene is Woman in Tub 15 minutes in.