Set across two decades, this psychological Korean thriller starts out in 2021 as Jeon Young-ha (Kim Yoon-Seok) is living out the rest of his existence as the owner of a luxury motel in the woods after the death of his spouse. His life is disrupted by the arrival of a mystery woman (Go Min-si) and a young boy, whose subsequent disappearance throws things into chaos. Jeon and a police chief named Yoon Bo-min (Parasite’s Lee Jung-eun) try to solve the case, which seems to be connected to events that happened 21 years earlier. We then flashback to 2000, when the motel was run by Goo Sang-jun (Yoon Kye-sang), a younger Yoon Bo-min (Ha Yoon-Kyung) was just a rookie cop, and a crazy serial killer was on the loose. There’s no mystery as to why Go Min-si's presence would garner such attention - not when she’s constantly splashing around in sexy swimsuits. Forget “ribbit ribbit”, this Frog will have you wanting to “rub it rub it!"