Set in the beautiful confines of Lake Tahoe, The Deep End (2001) follows Margaret Hall (Tilda Swinton) who lives with her husband, Peter (Jack Hall) and her three children: Beau (Jonathan Tucker), Paige (Tamara Hope) and Dylan (Jordon Dorrance). With Jack being a Navy officer on an aircraft carrier, he’s away for long periods of time, leaving Margaret to raise the family on her own. But when the body of Beau’s boyfriend, Darby (Josh Lucas) washes ashore, mom, assuming the worst, takes matters into her own hands and disposes of the body. All is good until Alek (Goran Visnjic) shows up on the family’s doorstep demanding a ton of cash and threatening to turn over an incriminating videotape to the police, who’ve already found Darby’s body. Alek knows about Beau’s homosexual affair, but more importantly, he knows about mommy dearest dumping the body. It’s up to Margaret to start scraping together some cash to save her ass, but things get even more complicated when Nagle (Raymond Barry), a local crime boss whom Alek works for gets involved. While the suspense is the high, the nudity is nil. Tilda Swinton sports a white bathing suit, giving us a tease of cleavage and a bit of nips as she goes for a dip. Mr. Skin would love to get deep into Tilda’s end!